Tuesday, October 12, 2010

holy mother of a busy day!!

After what was in its entirety an anti-climatic day today is jammed full of responsibility and possible excitement.  The list is as follows:
          1.Finish TA duties, read & record online topics, make & organize packets
          2.Finish homework and assignments that are all partly complete
          3. go to class early to set up room & discuss today"s class agenda
              (its just a touch base & clarity day really)
          4. Put on my big girl hat and meet with the suits about scholarship details ...so pumped!
          5. Put in some heavy or semi heavy library time/ study (so i am still a DL student)
          6. try not to drink too much coffee/diet pepsi after 6pm
          7. be super smart & logical!!!!

Today should be fun(ish) I actually prefer busy days because it makes me feel like i actually accomplished something when i go to bed at night. I have notice that when i do not have a lot going on i tend to fall apart. My organization goes to pots, I forget things, my room gets messy (which is a direct line to being lazy & not just busy) I get lazy all together, i get cranky. Yeah, its not pretty. it's actually good that i stay relatively busy. 

I have been entertaining the idea of getting a job with Ohio Health. It would mainly just be pre-doctor patient care like putting them in the exam room, taking vitals and what not. It pays pretty well plus benefits. I feel like its just a huge step and i am not really sure why. it's just a job. I guess it's just something new and a little intimidating to think about. Or maybe i am a little scared who knows. But it is definitely something i am praying about.

I have spoken these words twice in the past 24hours to two different people. "you cannot get biblical results if you do not do the biblical process" those words are starting to take on a new form to me....not really sure how to articulate that just yet. 

Monday, October 11, 2010


I have recently been bitten by all things boy related. Before you put you dirty minds in the gutter let me lead you back on track. I have tried my hand at a few activities that most boys do as toddler...(or at least younger than 22) Yesterday i began what i hope to be a long journey of me and a shotgun. My brother, Charles, Bobby and i went to a field and shot clay pigeons (which to my surprise arent in the shape of pigeons) I was surprised at how well my brother was but he is a boy and was doing boy things so...
But i fear i am addicted to it. i woke up today with sore arms because i am a girl and probably didnt hold the thing right but i love that i am sore!! Now all i can think about is shooting again. holding a gun that i think is heavy (because i am a weakling when it comes to upper body strength) and maybe even not being such a weenie and lot the shells (proud bobby i called them shells not bullets?) then aiming that sucker at a bright orange disc made of clay and busting that puppy into a million pieces. i fear that my boyfriend has created a monster....
i think i will probably have to get two more jobs to support my habit

Saturday, October 9, 2010

the adventures of super happy:)

So a friend bought me this book called "this is not a book" and inside it a bunch of challenges or adventures to do. I love it! I think i like it because it has a lot of things that you leave in public. Like little post-its with happy sayings or a funny pictures. I once found a post-it that said "you're smile is my favorite song" Now i know that it was probably meant from someone else. Not for me personally, but i thought all day about the guy who wrote that and how happy it made him to see that girls smile. Then i thought of the girl with the musical smile and how she felt upon reading the words written on that purple post-it. Then i thought :WOW: i feel great knowing that people care about each other in such a way. It's crazy how little things can make people smile or just cause then an ounce of happy. when i first moved here i wrote on things about myself and put then in library books just so i felt like someone was getting to know me. Thats how i met my friend Katie. She saw me put the post-it in a book and got it book afterward and found the post-it that  said "i love death cab for cutie" and she found me in the hall and thus started a friendship of sorts. but nevertheless i am really exciting to bust into this book...i mean adventure.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

hello church, would you like to meet Jesus?

After reading an article on Yahoos news page i feel sick and angry. I am sure there are more cases than just this and all of this is just insane. It's this whole issue where people from the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. are protesting soldiers funerals and homecomings. It's disgusting on so many levels and i want to yell and scream at them. I am all about peace. I am not war crazed by any means but let me allow God inspired words to speak for me:
                                  There is an occasion for everything,
                                  and a time for every activity under heaven:

                                 a time to give birth and a time to die;
                                 a time to plant and a time to uproot; 
                                 a time to kill and a time to heal;
                                 a time to tear down and a time to build;
                                 a time to weep and a time to laugh;
                                 a time to mourn and a time to dance; 
                                 a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
                                 a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing; 
                                 a time to search and a time to count as lost;
                                 a time to keep and a time to throw away;
                                 a time to tear and a time to sew;
                                 a time to be silent and a time to speak; 
                                 a time to love and a time to hate;
                                 a time for war and a time for peace. - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

There is a time for everything....everything. I am just floored but the complete lack of biblical knowledge or their ability to ignore the what God's word says. I would love to say really demeaning things about this church and it's leadership staff but i will side with love and compassion on this. Not because i want to but because blasting them with my words is only sliding down to do exactly what they are doing. Instead i would like to highlight an attribute of the attributes of God that isn't being covered by the news.

 love. God is love. Apart from Him we know no love. His love flows through everything He does. But he also calls us to love so that He can be seen in us and be glorified.

This is my command: Love each other -John15:17

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.There is no commandment greater than these."- Matthew 12;30 & 31

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God
-Philippians 1:9-11

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins - 1 Peter 4:8

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. -1 John 3:16

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love 1John4:8


Monday, October 4, 2010

in a world thats so fantastical

sometimes there are weekends that are slow and relaxing...then there are weekends that are jammed pack and very active. Although i needed a relaxing, lazy weekend mine was too awesome to want it to be any other way.  Lets start from the top shall we....

friday - or shall we shall football friday night? ...why yes, yes we should. I have been to many many football games in my short 22 years but never have i enjoyed football as much as i did friday night as i watched the Canal Winchester Indians battle the Amanda Clearcreek Aces. It was a close game all the way from the first touch down until the time clock ran out in which the Indians came out victorious!! My brother had an awesome game! He played most of the game with very little rest time, playing both offense and defense. He had a sack and blocked their extra point (which in my eyes saved the game) I am so proud of Ben! He's a beast! 

Saturday:  After the best football game and a good nights rest i awoke early(ish) to start an adventure to the Ohio Renaissance Festival in Harveysburg with Bobby & Charles. I have been once before when i was about 15 but i hardly remembered it the same. It was a lot of fun! I did however see a lot of man thigh since it was Celtic weekend and men were wearing celts. very gross. Poor Bobby got stung by an evil turkey leg ruining bee...hornet. It could have ruined his whole day but i am glad he is who he is and still enjoyed himself. Bobby & Charles were in boy heaven with all the boy things in sight. Swords, guns, armor, long bows...it was never ending joy! I still enjoyed myself. I even tried my hand at shooting a bow....i wasn't all that bad either. it was really really fun after i sort of got the hang of it.
we followed the Renaissance Festival up with a cold & rain version of a soccer game. I know nothing at all about soccer except the you cannot use you hands and you kick the ball and run a lot. Also that it is really really awesome when you get the ball past the opposing goalie and into the net! Bobby and i saw a lot of kicking and running but never a ball soaring into a net. We left after the first 45minutes. It was rainy and cold and we were tired. We did get to see a girl lick the water off her moms jacket...hilarious. 

Sunday: My alarm went off and i almost cried. My bed felt so nice. But i got up and got ready for church which i am glad i did. Sunday was a great day although i was exhausted through all of it. We played our first sunday with drums and no one got mad! Kait did great even though she looked angry through most of the set ;) she was just really nervous. After church my cutie face boyfriend picked me up and we went to the Wig Wam in Canal for lunch with some pretty great people. I have never been to the Wig Wam but i will definitely be back. It was just a good environment. Then we all went back to the church for fun and Jesus conversation. Ryan spoke about his sermon that i wish i had the pleasure of hearing but even without the full sermon i was still convicted of my complacency with average christianity. I get sick just thinking about how content i am with it. It's gross. It's like having the cure for the common cold wrapped in a box and settling for nyquil. My dad once said you can have as much or as little of God as you want in your life. With everything else in life i want to most and the best of whatever i can have but this free, freeing, radical love affair i chose mere courting and occasional love letters. disgusting

Evening church rolled around way to quickly...i was so spent. but it was so rewarding. i learned so much. I really enjoying my dads teaching. Kait, the bean & i lead worship too which was surprisingly fun. Kait is coming out of her shell at church and i am excited to see where God takes her willing spirit. After church we all went to Kait's and it was a lot of fun. I laughed so much which i really really needed. Then Bobby took me home. It is amazing how great i feel just sitting beside him. He calms me, excites me, and makes me feel like the me i lost a long time ago. He is definitely a huge blessing in my life. I have never enjoyed someone's company nor wanted someone's company as much as i want & enjoys Bobby's. He is an incredible man of God and challenges me to be a better child of God. I love him...yes indeedy.

after such a great weekend i am excited to see what all is in store for this week and to do better and be stronger in my walk with Christ.

                                       If we claim to have fellowship with him yet
                                walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by 
                                the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in 
                             the light, we have fellowship with one another, 
                           and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin 
                                                                                        -1 John 1:6 & 7