Wednesday, September 29, 2010


There are two things in this world that I love that are not people or and organization. These two things make me feel like all is right when all is not right. I am quite sure they are special little gifts from God just for me;)
When i first moved to Canal I listened to music and organized my room most of the summer. I even rearranged my room like six or so times. Which now that i say that makes me seem really crazy but it was a boring summer. 
there was a lady in my home church back in Ironton who was so so so organized and i remember thinking as a small child that her life must be so much simpler because she had it all together in neat little piles with color coded post-its. She was never late or forgot any of her responsibilities. As i can clearly see now organization doesn't make life simple but it makes it functional.  My psych professor told me my need to organize everything was my way of controlling situations because there were areas in my life i cannot control. Which i quickly pointed out that there are areas in everyone's life we cannot control. i will agree with his assessment though. Its accurately stated. I don't think  its the need to be control but its more like having a plan of action in case i need to spring into control. What does it really matter? it's a healthy obsession.
Anyway... ... ... so after i organize i must bounce right into some sort of action and popping in my headphones and blasting music helps me do that. when i am armed with the ipod the world better watch out because there is nothing i cant do. (almost) which brings me to this.... I cant be blogging cause i have stuff to do ;)

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