Wednesday, September 22, 2010

....a safer place to hide

It amazes me how unaware of our needs we can be as humans. We walk around with our pain bolted to our hearts looking for a cure but never letting anyone see our pain. Could you imagine actually letting someone see your pain? How raw and naked you'd feel? Why do we hide it? Why not let someone see us raw? Maybe that is the cure to the pain.

I read an article about interpersonal relationships recently. It says that to possess a strong interpersonal connection each persons needs must been known and met. I guess as a communication major I focus so much on expressing those wants and needs that I have forgot about recognizing what the needs are. It is always easier (i think) to recognize needs in other people. Just listen to what they say, how many times they say it, what their body says when they say it, and how they respond to certain things. For example: if someone responds positively to something it is usually a need of theirs. Like hearing they did a good job on a project or that their hair looks great when they are wearing it a new way. If someone is constantly doubting or down on themselves they need to hear the opposite. They need and want to hear that they are smart, funny, attractive or doing a good job. It is almost too easy to see the needs in others if you just take the time to notice.
As easy as it is to see the needs of others it is just as simple to find you own needs in interaction with other people. How do you respond when hearing a kind word? Does it completely change you mood or does it just give you an extra boost? What do you feel guiltless about? What do you do without fear? Those are your needs.

Now that I've said all it really a need of ours to hold in our hurt? I highly think not. I think to be a healthy being in a healthy, honest, healing relationship with anyone we need to be raw with our pain. Painfully honest about the pain that is honestly felt.
The theme of my summer has been open and honest. It has honestly changed my life. It all started with this simple verse
               "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so
                  that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer 
                  of a person living right with God is something powerful
                  to be reckoned with."    -James 5:16
 I think we hide in our pain and our sufferings and we all are hiding feeling alone in it all. This is just insanity. The truth is we all hurt sometimes. We all fall short sometimes. We all have bad days and insecurities. Why are we hiding? Why are we not uplifting each other? Why are we not sharing each others pain? I think that is how pain is meant to be dealt with. How can we help each other cope if we have no idea the pain they need to cope with? Everyone needs to know they are not alone in their pain and that there is a safe place to hide.

1 comment:

  1. set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. for you died, and your life is now hidden with CHRIST in GOD. when CHIRST, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with HIM in glory. -colossians 3:2-4

